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Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


oh act nothing happen..i just made a gimmick..hehe
oh looks like my bday is around the corner la =p
ish mcm exam around d corner la pulak =p
hehe dis coming bday mcm x celebrate becoz my love one has to work la pulak..last year when he was here, my 2nd day of work so cant cuti la..its ok be fair & square since his last bday pon i didn't do anything for him..just post present jek..n just now he text me n said he already post d present..hehe so not surprise right..& its too early kot..but mb ok la since my bday on office pon tutup kot..hehe
whatever it is thanx so much babe~ u r so nice dear...=)
cant wait to see u dis coming chinese new year..1month ++ la xjumpe ni..hehe
& dis coming meeting will be great as we have plan a lot of things..
go to find something =p
i think its too early but its ok la..dah xsaba sbenarnye..
what is it??
just wait when d time is coming ok =)


  1. akak! haa.aleh belikan ape? heh~
    nanti korang gi dating nak ikottt!! tau..mesti nak beli benda bulat mcm kueh CINCIN tuh!! hahahha~
    nak ikot ye~

  2. haha ya ni..buat akak terfikir lak..seyes lupe pasal kueh CINCIN tu..ikut je la..akak dh gtau aleh..die xcakap ape lg cume nnt die tnye mak tgu la mak blk uda weekend ni hehe~

  3. hehee..hah mesti nak g cari cincin kan?y not xtggu megasale je nnt lg murah per..lg plak kat HABIB byk giler disc on pure diamond!!think about it first k..or else jz survey dlu design :)

  4. hehe kak fara..belom lg la..cincin mb bln or 5 gtu kot br g mb nk g survey2 dulu je..ntah kt pon xtau..tgu aleh bncg ngn mak die dulu cume nk g cr kain je..sbb leceh nnt nk kene tempah plak kn..tu yg ingat nk cari awal sket..hehe


salam sayang,